Services Offered:

Front-End Development

  • customized web site structure adapted to business use case APIs

  • CSS3
  • detailed knowledge of coding practices
  • CSS libraries:
      • Bootstrap
      • Pure CSS , etc.
  • DOM Manipulation
  • Front-end web technologies

    Database Integration

    Data Models Implementation
  • customized or ready-made

  • ORM - Object Relational Mappers

  • Postgres
  • MySQL
  • SQL Server
  • MongoDB

  • Database Integration To Website

    Backend Development

    • Core PHP - 5.x , 7.x & 8.x
      • Laravel Web Framework
    • Python 3.x
      • Django
    • JavaScript
      • MERN Stack

    Back-end developer

    Backend Development

    The "Back-End" refers to the infrastructure that goes into supporting websites, other than the User Interface (UI).It involves server-side languages like PHP (what this site is built on), databases and Application Programming interfaces (APIs) - programming constructs that enable other sub-systems in the site to communicate with each other.

    PHP - is the main server-side language used for development at RAD. Other languages that may be offered in the future are:

    • JAVA

    Database Integration

    Databases are an integral part of the full stack development experience, and play a pivotal role in the collation , analysis and reporting of business-related data to those entrusted with the stewardship of the organization.

    As covered by out Data Engineering and Excel Consultancy services, we also deal with:

    • ETL
    • Data Analysis
    • Database Management Systems

    Frontend Development

    The "Frontend" essentially refers to what you the end-user, sees on the computer or smart device screen. It is alternatively known as the "User Interface" or UI.

    Portfolio - Full Stack Web Development

    This website is an example of what can be designed & developed by "RAD Software Systems".